Vol.1/No.1 October 2021
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- Vol.1/No.1 October 2021
On the occasion of the first issue of Metallomics Research

Dear colleagues,
I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the launching of the first issue of Metallomics Research as an international official journal of the Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements.
The Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements has published Biomedical Research on Trace Elements as its official journal since its establishment in 1990. However, the study of metals in biological systems has recently re-emerged to become an increasingly important area of research. Considering the current activities in this research field, we have decided to launch the new journal, which is open access with global peer reviewing.
The term “metallomics" was coined by Professor Hiroki Haraguchi, a previous director of our Society. As you may know, the term has been officially defined by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Japan is the cradle of metallomics, and metallomics is disseminated around the world. Therefore, the launching of Metallomics Research is a great pleasure and pride of our Society. In addition, the 8th International Symposium on Metallomics (ISM-8) is scheduled in Japan in the summer of 2022. The first ISM was held in Japan in 2007 with Professor Haraguchi as chair. That this will be the second time for ISM to be held in Japan indicates that the research field of metallomics has reached its second and more mature phase. This is also the best timing to launch the journal.
The Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements brings together researchers from diverse areas, including medicine, biology, toxicology, analytical chemistry, environmental science, pharmaceutical science, and so on. I expect that the publication of Metallomics Research would further stimulate the international activities of our Society.
Yasumitsu Ogra, Ph.D.
The Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements
Editor’s note

We are delighted to introduce the first issue of Metallomics Research as a new official journal of the Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements. In this first issue, Prof. Yasumitsu Ogra, a president of the Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements, contributed an introduction about the start of Metallomics Research. Prof. Hiroki Haraguchi, the founder of “metallomics”, contributed the historical overviews and future perspectives about metallomics. Furthermore, many scientists have kindly contributed to this issue in their various fields including medicine, biology, toxicology, analytical chemistry, environmental science, pharmaceutical science, and so on. We thank all of the authors, reviewers, and executive office members for their significant contribution about this new journal. Metallomics Research is a small seed at the present time, however, we hope Metallomics Research will grow up into a big tree which connects numerous scientists in various research field and provide a good platform. We kindly ask to submit your valuable results to Metallomics Research.
Masahiro KAWAHARA, Ph D.
Editor in Chief
Metallomics Research
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